Are you still comparing or are you alive?

Fewer and fewer single-company insurance agents


"Up to 50% contribution savings..."  Cover for occupational disability, care, death, motor vehicles, accidents, etc., there are huge price and performance differences. With an additional contribution of 1,000 € per year, this means up to tens of thousands of euros in additional costs over the years, sometimes even for poorer performance.  


The majority of financial+insurance intermediaries in Germany are still single-company representatives, mostly controlled directly or indirectly by insurance companies via distributors. The number of sales representatives is currently falling rapidly.  Why? Customers can now compare and conclude offers, prices and services online. This is much more than many intermediaries in representative organisations are officially allowed to do. Hardly any customer, no matter what age, comes today without previous illnesses. Many have expensive jobs or only take care of optimum protection in middle age. Bad when you're limited as a salesman. 


Our idea is that customers use a single platform for all their financial and insurance needs. More than 200 insurance companies, hundreds of banks for financing and thousands of open funds.  Worldwide access, 24 hours, 7 days a week to the current situation. Service by our store partners, means digital, video, GELDPILOT24 stores and also directly personally with the customer. Everything naturally easy.  SIMPLIFY through eBoarding, eChecks which makes it easy for customers and agents to work together.

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