Insurance and coronavirus disease

Why you have to talk about protection and coronavirus


We are not doctors, but we deal with health scenarios of new and existing GELDPILOT24 customers on a daily basis. In the last few days the question has repeatedly come up in our minds: Should we write about the importance of insurance protection also in connection with the coronavirus (Covid-19)?

As you will read, as digital and also personal insurance brokers we have decided to do so. Why? In most cases, mothers or fathers, families and singles with commitments have far too little or no coverage for the risk of "death". The statutory pension insurance only pays in certain cases and age groups, and even then often only as a narrowly defaulted pension. One of the greatest poverty risks in Germany.


Is the risk of dying from the coronavirus higher?  Unfortunately, we think so! The death rate of the corona virus is many times higher than that of the flu virus, and scientists write that the risk of dying is one to 20 times higher than that of "normal" influenza.

Is it still possible to take precautions after the many diseases that have now reached Central Europe? If you belong to one of the above-mentioned groups of people, you should be well protected regardless of a possible corona virus pandemic! For example, you can obtain a term life insurance policy from us. Our expert team at GeldPilot24 has currently studied the conditions of major insurers for you and talked to the companies. There are currently no restrictions.


How should you proceed now? Talk to a finance+insurance broker from GELDPILOT24.
You can handle everything with us, including health issues, easily digitally or online. 


Why an insurance broker? On the one hand because of the choice of the right company. The price differences are up to 500% for one and the same person! On the other hand your individual health situation plays a big role. Insurers ask so-called health questions to decide whether they want to insure you and whether there are any surcharges or exclusions. We have digitalised this health section online and can make anonymous enquiries to selected insurance companies in advance.


Together we are looking for an insurer with simplified health questions and, above all, a tariff that pays the agreed amount not only after death, but already at the time of prognosis!


How long does it take to obtain insurance cover? If there are no health impairments, we sometimes manage this in less than an hour. Depending on the insurer and your medical history, it can also take up to two weeks, including consultation with a doctor.


Do not apply only to protect your family, partner or credit. The risk of contracting the corona virus is not small. Restricted zones, quarantines, international efforts on a huge scale etc. do not exist because it is a kind of flu! Should a pandemic occur, individual virologists expect up to 60% of the world's population to fall ill. With these dimensions at the latest, it can be estimated that insurers will no longer simply write the risk at the current price or at all.


How do you get a term life insurance policy through GELDPILOT24?Write a message to your store partner or to us directly and we will send you a link to the boarding tool and the GELDPILOT24 eCheck Health after a short consultation.   Click here and write


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