Expert teams throughout Germany

GELDPILOT24 with professionals at the start


Oberlausitz, Bavaria, Lüneburger Heide, Bautzen, Görlitz, Rostock, Bremen these are the regions of our top experts Petra, Elke, Bernd and Silvio. The four belong to the few Finanz+Versicherungsmaklern in Germany, which have all substantial, official permissions and training (§34-d, §34-c, §34-f, §34i). And in doing so, we are legally only on the customer's side. The start, the eBoarding by the customer himself is fully digital. Customers who already use their GELDPILOT24 accounts are enthusiastic. Everything, anytime, anywhere, worldwide 24/7 compressed and SIMPLE available. No matter which insurance, which funds, which banks are financing.

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